Our Philosophy

At MCH, our educational philosophy is rooted in the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori.  She found that children possess a great love of learning and an eagerness to explore their environment.  By working with a child's inclination toward discovery, a learning environment is created which fosters independence, self-discipline and motivation.  Freedom and security in the classroom ensures that children develop a love for learning and progress at their own pace.

The Montessori Environment

  • Primary classroom at MCHClassrooms are inviting and are carefully prepared to meet the developmentally progressive needs of toddlers through preschool students.
  • Activities are readily accessible so children can make their own choices. Experiencing success with their selections provides a powerful foundation for self esteem.
  • Children are free to work without interruption until they feel a sense of completion, which enhances concentration and encourages further inquiry.
  • Sequential, multi-sensory materials lead from concrete to abstract learning in math, language, geography, science, art, music and world cultures.
  • Practical life skills such as conflict resolution and respectful interactions with others are as valued as academic readiness.